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Can we reverse climate change? Here is a solution that works!
Climate change is not a distant problem – it’s upon us, it’s happening now, but there is a way to stop desertification and help reverse its harmful effects. This video is about a concrete solution that is already working, offered by researcher Allan Savory’s holistic grazing method.
More than a third of the world’s land has already been destroyed, directly affecting our food, water and climate change. Hungary is no exception! Yes, even the Kiskunság region is on the verge of desertification… This process is continuing at a rapid pace, with more than 10 million hectares falling victim to erosion every year at a global level.1
The idea is to move grazing animals so that their natural behaviour helps to restore the soil. Manuring and trampling the soil helps the dead parts of the plants to decompose and regrow, thereby sequestering a lot of carbon dioxide and, as a “side effect”, restoring the natural water balance. You can see one of Savory’s successful projects in Africa in the pictures below

This is not a future technology, but a method that can be used now and has already reversed damage in countless places. We can all play a role in stopping climate change – knowledge is the first step.
If you think this information could be of value to others, please share it with them!
You will find more useful articles on fighting climate change here:
- forrás: PIMENTEL, D.–HARVEY, C.–RESOSUDARMO, P.–SINCLAIR, K.–KURZ, D.–MCNAIR, M.–CRIST, S.–SHPRITZ, L.–FITTON, L.–SAFFOURI, R.–BLAIR, R. 1995: Environmental and Economic Costs of Soil Erosion and Conservation Benefits. – Science, New Series 267. 5201. pp. 1117–1123. ↩︎
Hungarian Urban Society (MUT) Diploma Award 2024
Pecha Kucha performance at Landscape7
Special Installation in the Buda Arboretum
Urban Design Days ’24 – Jury Membership
Venice Architecture Biennale 2025 – COSMOPOLIS
The Portuguese Garden Festival competition
A real “Stand Up” performance at the Professional Days event
We won a landscape architecture award with our favourite garden
‘Circles of Growth’ – conference lecture in Vienna
Habilitation diploma award ceremony in Pécs
After the Architect Forum, our garden was published in the Hungarian Architectural Art magazine.
Art in the landscape – Online interview with Balázs Almási
Monument competition in the National Graveyard
Our favourite garden wins the grand prize
The Garden… The magic of nature
100% rainwater retention in 2005? Bugyi Beleznay Square
jubilee image
The PET Shadoof in Austria
Budapest City Hall Park
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Füvészkert – Student Workshop
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Vörösmarty Memorial House Garden
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HELLO WOOD – The Hungarian Gathering 2019
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Ottlik Garden
Hungarian Landscape Architect Offices
Professional Organisations